Wednesday 18 December 2019

More things I'm enjoying

Three more great things!


I’ve been getting back in touch with my inner seven year old, and have been learning about dinosaurs. I started with Audible’s A Grown-Up Guide to Dinosaurs and then followed that with The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs by Steve Brusatte (who appears in the Audible series). We then followed that with a trip to Lyme Regis in Dorset where we visited the dinosaur museum.

Dinosaur "Man" from the Lyme Regis Dinosaur Museum.
Want more dinosaurs? Here's a dinosaur blog, and here’s a site full of dinosaur pictures.

(My favourite dinosaur is Triceratops.)

The Expanse

Series 4 has just started on Amazon and I’m half way through it, and it’s just brilliant.
So far. And while it’s broadly similar to the book, there are enough differences to make it worth watching. It’s interesting seeing the TV series introduce characters who will be pivotal later on. So Series 4 is a combination of Book 4 (Cibola Burn), one of the novellas (Gods of Risk) and some new stuff.

A word of warning - the first few episodes of season 1 are a bit heavy going - so do persevere with it.

The books are also excellent - consistently scoring 4s and 5s when I read them. I haven’t read the most recent (Tiamat’s Wrath) as it’s still in hardback, but as soon as the price drops I will pick it up. Auberon, the recent novella, was a pleasant surprise.

And it turns out that there’s an Expanse fan wiki (full of spoilers, so be warned).

D-Day Dice

D-Day Dice is a cooperative world war two boardgame where you play a unit of Allied troops storming the beaches of Normandy. The game involves rolling lots of dice to build up your forces (troops, courage (needed to move up the map), stars (needed for officers), and tools (needed for equipment) as you work your way up to a bunker that you must conquer to win.

It’s a cooperative game, and is really enjoyable solo. Many cooperative games seem like puzzles, and D-Day Dice is perhaps more puzzle-y than most. But I enjoy it, and I Kickstarted the 2nd edition, which landed recently. Expansions add more variety (most of it good, some of it not so good) and I’m enjoying working my way through the different maps.